Dear Future Volunteer,

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Crow Hill Bible Church. We are excited that you want to make a difference in the life of our community.

We work hard to provide an environment for spiritual growth in a context of healthy, positive relationships. We take seriously our responsibility to shield our congregation from abuse, and to protect our leaders, and to limit the exposure of the church to legal risk and liability. To accomplish this, we ask that all paid staff and volunteers complete our application process. We need you to carefully and thoughtfully fill out the following application and submit it as quickly as possible.

So, you might be asking . . .
What’s involved in the volunteer process?
When you fill out the application, you authorize us to check personal references and to request a background check. Please thoroughly and honestly complete all forms.

On what basis does the church approve someone to work?
We invite into ministry those applicants a) who have no previous conviction for sexual or physical abuse of children; b) for whom we receive positive responses from their personal and professional references; and c) who meet the qualifications of the position for which they are applying.
If background checks raise any questions, the individual will be asked to meet with the appropriate team leader or pastor to clarify the questionable issues prior to being placed in a volunteer position.

Who will see this application?
The completed application and any subsequent information will be available only to the pastoral staff and church board. Once the approval process has been completed, your application and references will be maintained in a secure file.

Thank you for your understanding that this process is about protecting you and our families. We appreciate your willingness to help us achieve our mission!

Volunteer Expectations

Please fill out the application form below. We are aware that personal information is sensitive, this form will only be seen by the pastoral staff and church board. All files are securely kept.